And if it dies, so do they!!
4:05: One of those girls is now on the phone, talking and laughing even louder than she was before.
4:07: With the girl in front of me still on the phone, I hear the phone ringing from the table behind me, followed by "alooo.... HALLAAA....SHLOONICH!?!!!"
So this goes on for about 10 minutes, both the girl in front of me and behind me are on the phone, chatting away ignoring everything around them. After they're done with their important *cough* calls, they go on talking, and they were getting msgs every 2 minutes!!
I take a bathroom break, and there's a girl in the bathroom who's on the phone!
I'm going to skip the part about being quiet in the library, but this is for: PEOPLE WHO HAVE CELLPHONES PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THEIR EARS!
For the betterment of society as a whole, here's some things you might want to think off:
- You do not need to automatically raise your voice when you answer your phone. The rest of the world does not need to hear every last detail, no matter how important you might find it. And YES we do know you own a cell phone, just like everyone else!
- It is not necessary to place your cellphone in a prominent location, such as your desk in class, when you can't answer it and won't be needing it then!
- Answering your phone while in (or worse, using) the bathroom is completely inappropriate. The person you're talking to does not want to hear the sound of a toilet flushing in the middle of their conversation!
- As cute and amusing as you might find your ringtone, other people might not share your appreciation for its musical originality *cough* when it goes off during a lecture or in the quiet study area of the library!!
- You don't look cool when you check your messages every two minutes!! You just look like a communication-starved obsessive compulsive teenager/person!
- When you're out with one of your friends, do consider keeping the conversation under 30 minutes, they're there to hang out and catch up with you, not to see and hear you be on the phone with someone else!
For those people who are always on their cell phones to and from class.. .how exciting can "OHMIGOD I was just in math and now I am totally not in math." be? Doesn't it ever get boring?
Do you think the Kuwaiti society is over-using their cell phones!?
I do! In the corridors, in class waiting for the professor, in their cars, in malls, in restaurants, in the jam3eeya, whereever i go atleast 7/10 people are on their cellphones - if not talking, msging.
The other day I was in my local "mostaw9if", where I had to wait until the doctor was off his phone for him to check up on me! It's ridiculous!
Don't get me wrong, cell phones are lovely, and I would feel lost without mine... but having it stuck to your ear is just plain tacky, and sometimes just plain rude!
Makes you wonder what they would do if there was a major solar storm that could cause their phones not to work? hehehe
christina/ohio, at 1/2/06 10:09 PM
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