Tomayetoes Tomaahtoes!
Why is it طوكيو and not توكيو ?or صنداى and not سنداى (sundae)?or صبواى and not سبواى ?or طومي and طوني instead of تومي and توني ?or واشنطن and not واشنتن even though واشنجتن would be more proper with the three dots under the ج but it's too confusing and looks scary :P
Ur really bored, aren't u?! :P
-OT-, at 29/10/06 4:19 PM
cuz we are arabs and we like to complicate things ;p
Bella Color, at 29/10/06 7:28 PM
HellooO ;p
i asked ablat il 3arabi the saaaame questions .. baghat tikfakhnee ;$ .. ma3anaa i was serious ya3nee .. madree shfeeha m5arfaa ablatnaa :P
Anonymous, at 29/10/06 10:42 PM
thats cute, Ta looks like a smiley by the way!! I figure I should learn somethin from here eh!
Thanks for the halloween ideas, you really got me thinking about which one's gonna work :)
J, at 29/10/06 11:47 PM
The translator was egyption
error, at 1/11/06 3:21 AM
oh my god !! my thoughts exactly !! ashwa i dont feel like a freak anymore ;P
Anonymous, at 5/11/06 11:50 PM
very very very very interesting!!
i dont know, the person who did the original translation must have been fond of the letter 6a!
:D ;D
Anonymous, at 8/11/06 10:36 AM
like bella said, we like to complicate things..
Anonymous, at 11/11/06 9:01 PM
I guess arabic linguistics made it like that but if that makes you laugh then what about Kuwaiti slang when we say stuff like شوزن which means "shot-gun", or ٌٌاكسات as in "Axles" (automotive-wise)?
It's complicated.
Anonymous, at 12/11/06 2:28 PM
taw il nas you post !!! :) hope you're back for good woman ! cute post btw..
Dr.Lost, at 9/1/07 1:26 AM
Why is it "إنكليزية" and not "إنجليزية"?
(You have no idea how long it too me to type out those two words in Arabic! hehe)
Anonymous, at 17/1/07 8:34 PM
i thought about that about a 1000 times !! i really wanna know why ,, bs i think bcoz we alot of arabic a7ruf ,, o lazem nesat5admhum ,, i think thats why ;p
Honey™, at 20/1/07 10:43 AM
لغتنا لغة الضاد لغه جميله ومعبره جدا
وعندي تنوية للكويتية صاحبة الموضوع ترتيب الاحرف الابجدية فيه خطأ
الواو بعد الهاء وليس العكس
لا ويقولون عرب
Anonymous, at 2/2/07 9:04 PM
there tons of other things mooo bas hatha .... hahahaha
nice post
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Unknown, at 7/2/07 3:41 PM
I thought its ha2 waw ya2, not waw ha2 ya2!!!!
Anonymous, at 2/3/07 6:41 PM
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