Tick Tock...
I'm still alive...
But I REALLY should find a cure to my never-ending procrastination, whether its school related, people related, or personal goals. I know I have all day, and so I plan all the things I want to get done and over with, next thing I know it's 11 pm.
Looking at my calender today it's hard to believe it's December already!!
Where on earth does time go!!?
But I REALLY should find a cure to my never-ending procrastination, whether its school related, people related, or personal goals. I know I have all day, and so I plan all the things I want to get done and over with, next thing I know it's 11 pm.
Looking at my calender today it's hard to believe it's December already!!
Where on earth does time go!!?
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Anonymous, at 3/12/07 8:08 AM
Try this, plan at night what you're going to do the next day. See what happens. Its good to know you're still alive and around. :)
Unknown, at 3/12/07 8:17 AM
I agree with n.
Also you shouldnt obsses about it.
who created time a9lan?!
last i checked fi time and day
we limited everything!
Anonymous, at 4/12/07 11:04 AM
Welcome back :D and I agree with N & BD lol
Anonymous, at 4/12/07 5:56 PM
Sometimes i freak myself out by thinking that one day im going to wake up an old woman with wrinkles and grey hair and still havent done any of things i have to do.
I admire ppl who do not even know what the word procastination means ;/ ive been in bed allllllllll day and i have so much to do!
Delicately Realistic, at 14/12/07 8:46 PM
n - i plan days ahead! :) I'm such a great planner, i'm just bad at applying what i planned :P
bd - I'm not obsessing, it's just a shame knowing what i could have done with wasted time ya know?
swair - thanks ;)
DR - I know what you mean. I mean I'm turning 23 and I still think I'm 18! I mean i even procrastinate replying to comments, so thats how bad I am. Bas khalas, new years resolution, no procrastination =)
dishevelled, at 16/12/07 11:34 PM
sometimes time flying by is a good thing, and at other times its the worse thing ever! ...depends on the situation ur in;)
L.R.643, at 2/1/08 12:20 AM
sometimes time flying by is a good thing, and at other times its the worse thing ever! ...depends on the situation ur in;)
L.R.643, at 2/1/08 12:20 AM
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