"I am opposed to any form of tyranny over the mind of man."

I tried accessing www.deviantart.com tonight but all I got was this lousy picture saying I was denied access. I find that rude, insulting and a rip off by your company.
First of all, being a young adult I believe I'm more than capable, and should have the full right to choose what I'd like to view without your not-so-kind approval! Spare me the "children also have access to those sites as well" reason because frankly, it's none of my business. I believe it's the parent's job to censor, not yours. I find it rude that you believe you're more capable of doing a parent's job that the parent's themselves.
Secondly, I believe when I paid for your service, it was to get internet, not for you to choose what I can and cannot do. I don't believe I'm getting the service I deserve as a customer. I'm aware our country demands some sort of censorship, but you have gone way overboard.
Regarding deviantart specifically, I find blocking it very unnecessary and uncalled for. It's an art website. Sexual-containing content is not viewed unless a user is logged in to their deviantart account (and I highly doubt many children will have one.) Needless to say, it's only an ART site! Last time I checked, knowledge of art is considered an education.
Seeing the material being blocked day after day, I believe this censorship issue is a hopeless case, so how about I help you be as ignorant as you hope to be!?
The study of the human's anatomy may involve some nudity, block that as well. Why don't you block anything that has to do with biology while you're at it?
Then there's all the arts, performance, paintings etc.- God forbid an image on my computer screen will encourage me to rape the first moving thing in front of me. Because deprivation has proved to work like magic in our society.
Oh yes, music, block that too, you know, they say it's "haram" and may take me away from fulfilling my "duties" as a "devout" Muslim (assuming everyone is a Muslim because it's a sin if someone does not follow your faith)
How can we forget the news, articles, blogs, or works on fiction online? Indulging in a good read that's not written by Arabs with biased views that portray some truth about the world we're living in is a sin because it defies YOUR belief and image of how YOU WANT to be portrayed. Of course, the truth should be censored.
You have a lot to censor. Chop chop! Get to work. Note: I hope you realize the sarcasm beyond the fourth paragraph!
- A very unhappy customer.
Seriously, this whole censorship thing has been taken way overboard. Can't we do something about this!? What can we do!? Who's really responsible and to what degree are they responsible? Should we blame the Internet companies for this, or our government or so-called Parliament!? And they say we're a democratic nation. Ha! Where's the say of the more liberal Kuwait? How come the liberal voice is always the quieter one? How come people keep on falling for everything that follows "our religion..". When will be stop being idle and take these idiotic "laws" these money-thirsty pseudo-religious people are forcing on us!? When will ENOUGH be ENOUGH!!? I don't know whether I should be laughing or crying about this anymore.
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." -John Morley
"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Potter Stewart
"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Potter Stewart